الجمعة، 7 يناير 2011

A Winter Knocking On My Heart

The Christmas, It Is !! .. But They Say Don't Celebrate
I Only Get Happy Because The Winter Knocks On My Door
I Buy The Tree And The Decorations .. I Go Get The Lights As Well
I Spend The Time Decorate It With All The Passion and Warmth In My Heart
I Finish It Smiling Then My eyes Come Into Tears .. Just When

I Lay Down Under It Watch The Lights' Reflections Upon The Shiny Colorful Balls
I Stretch My Hand and Touch Whatever It Could Reach
My Heart Beats Fast
As I Remember That This Happiness Could Be Mixed With Sin
How Could Be All This Beauty Be Such A Sin?!!

It Only For Me .. A Winter Knocking On My Door

A Winter Knocking On My Heart

Happy Winter .. <3

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