الأربعاء، 18 يونيو 2014

My Super Baby

It feels like yesterday when i know i'm pregnant. That magical moment of happiness. Although we went through tough phase together but we managed to hold on. You were like the super fetus. I can't deny that i wanted you to be a girl and i had that shock face when i knew you were a boy, and for my last moments before giving birth to you, i wished that miraculously you'll be switched to a girl. I regret that now, i love you anyway baby.
The hardest moment was when they gave me back your little xs preemie clothes with a sad face that you will not come out with me, and you'll be staying in the neo-care for one more week. I felt disappointed, but i come back for you everyday and maybe two times a day packing your clothes with me in case they told me "You can take him home". You were helpless, so tiny, so fragile .. i couldn't handle you but the doctor told me that you are stronger than you seem.
And that joyful day you were finally home with me, i was over the moon. I kept holding you, talking to you, singing for you, washing you and of course kissing you like CRAZY!!
Despite all the hard times, the depression, the sleep deprived and the pain .. you are perfect to me.
Despite all the saying about how not pretty you are .. you are Awesome, Adorable and Beautiful to me.
Despite all the saying about how growth-delayed you are .. you are a champion to me.
Now you're laughing, clapping, climbing, smiling back, mumbling, screaming .. you're still for me the helpless little fetus who i spend my nights and days counting your heart beats  and praying you'll come safely and alive.
Baby .. Happy First Birthday ..
My short term wishes, i hope i can see you walking around soon.
My Long term wishes, i hope you'll be good, responsible, dependable, unique, open minded, helpful, kind, trust worthy, super man, gentleman. and successful.